Realization : Harlem

Actualization : (n). self 

Shoot 11/22

Release 1/23


walked not run...chose life 

The Alligator Man...ask shawty was right there.

Homie ran upstairs with boxers n bathrobe....changed his clothes and came back with police after defeat...

shoot in 2020 let him slide on that assault because of covid..didnt want him in cell with that left came back n look


blind too the truth

“might just stick too shooting walls & matching colors”

imagine with glasses

do your craft in the dark ...find out what you see...








$100 s/h per copy

location: Newkirk, Flatbush, Brooklyn



Location: Brooklyn

It's funny took these images so long ago right in learning stage ...weird that way i cherish energy & who supports ....well fast forward bc this was left here....i started a conversation in front  of a hotel with a girl bc it was late 3-4-5 am or later  and in my culture you look out for woman(knowingly or unknowingly)...keeping  her company until she leaves or secures her ride.."drinking orange juice from a box ...i haven't seen that in so long ...she chuckled & i sat ...we spoke about our goals  ...she said yooo i know this person he's like my best friend  ...calls him up on facetime.. we all laughed but bc of that conversation and energy..SZA (ARTIST) comes down(We all partied at that hotel) and gives the opportunity for me to get an amazing portrait.(3x)  (no one was around).Don't know if she would have allowed it and i think that girl who (n). spoke too knew ppl on her team as well bc she hinted she wanted to speak to that person .Not saying it would've been the best but just cool documentation too have and who knows maybe dialogue could be created  for some further. (With a Geedup co hat(naaaa kodak hat was on feel me...the night before/after was the other hat...naaaa (n). tripping it was the Geedup co hat  chose not to shoot  her bc i got scared but the happy scared *scared of the responsibility that comes wit it knowing your nature*  and plus (n). chilling long day and night showed some discretion too a box of orange juice and with some  chivalry towards a woman(t&t) goes long  way...walked off and smiled like yooo its real what else can be done .... mind was blown ...if you dream make it too nyc wont work here but it will give direction & strength  for your next stop..Girlsheavensent




unknown samurai (n).

Location: Gov Ball ,New York



Location: Houston , Tx

(medium format)


A Team 


Location: Amsterdam

Affiliated with school out there.

3 months 



Location:  Hortus Botanicus , Amsterdam

Using Format